Board of Directors

Job Descriptions

Chairperson of the Board of Directors

Description: The immediate past President is to automatically become Chairperson of the Board of Directors and serve as its ex-officio member.

General Functions: The Chairperson of the Board of Directors shall lead the Board and give advice and assistance to the President when needed.


The Chairperson of the Board of Directors shall attend all meetings and verify that there is a majority of the Board to constitute a quorum before official action is taken.

The Chairperson of the Board of Directors will serve as the chairperson of the Nominating and Planning Committee.

The Chairperson of the Board of Directors will serve as the chairperson of the Past Presidents Committee.


Description: The President shall be elected for one year..

General Functions: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association; and along with the other officers and Board of Directors shall control the affairs of the Association.


The President shall appoint all committee chairpersons as provided in the Constitution and by-laws and this procedure manual. This should be accomplished by the first regular board meeting.

The President will distribute copies of each officer’s duties and responsibilities together with a copy of the Constitution and By-law of each newly appointed officer.

The President shall preside at all meetings.

The President shall furnish leadership to the organization.

The President shall follow through and make sure all officers, directors, and committee chairpersons are fulfilling their responsibilities.

The President shall perform all duties, which the Board of Directors may assign.

The President shall submit association updates via the website, as appropriate.

The President should attend and support all association functions and training seminars.

Executive Vice President

Description: The Executive Vice President shall be elected for one year.

General Functions: The Executive Vice President shall discharge the duties of the President in case of his absence or disability.


The Executive Vice President shall be responsible for any association events, including putting together a program of speakers as required.

The Executive Vice President shall attend all Board of Director’s meetings and submit a program report to the Directors.

Vice President

Description: The Vice President shall be elected for one year.

General Functions: The Vice President shall discharge the duties of the Executive Vice President in case of his absence or disability.


The Vice President shall be the Chairman of the Program Committee, securing sponsorships for events and managing content for program books.

The Vice President shall attend all Board of Director’s meetings and submit a program report to the Directors.


Description: The Treasurer is elected by the members and shall serve for one year and may be re-elected.

General Functions: The Treasurer is responsible for all billing, monies, investments, taxes, reports, and any other financial duties assigned by the Board of Directors.


The Treasurer, in conjunction with the Membership Committee, shall bill all members for dues, and record and deposit all monies received.

The Treasurer shall maintain a mailing list of all members and assist the Membership Committee.

The Treasurer shall pay all bills of the Association upon presentation of proper invoices and receipts and

maintain complete records of deposits including amount, date, and source of income. Balance bank statement each month and maintain all records for the Auditing Committee.

The Treasurer shall work with the Conference Committee Chair at conferences and instruct clerks on registration procedures plus check page tallies and totals against the cash and checks received at registration.

The Treasurer shall prepare a detailed report of all the financial transactions of the Association for auditors or tax prep personnel. Responsible for maintaining all records pertaining to the financial affairs of the association; and all supporting vouchers, checks, bank statements, deposits and up-to-date savings account book.

Treasurer shall prepare and deliver at each Board of Directors meeting and general membership meeting a report of the financial condition of the Association including all income, disbursements, and cash on hand and savings, and net worth of the Association.

The Treasurer shall obtain properly signed signature cards for the checking account and access to digital accounts. A minimum of two people should have access to said accounts. Procedures must conform to State banking regulations.

Treasurer shall be responsible for and sign all financial contracts and agreements obligating and binding the Association.


Description: The Secretary is elected by the members and shall serve for one year and may be re-elected.

General Functions: The Secretary is responsible for all historical records, correspondence, minutes, printing, and any other duties assigned by the Board of Directors.


The Secretary shall maintain a mailing list of all members and assist the Membership Committee.

The Secretary shall see that all forms including letterheads, envelopes, invoices, statements, etc., are printed and sent to the committee chairpersons on request.

The Secretary shall purchase or assign someone to purchase the gavel for the incoming President. See that proper lettering is engraved on the gavel.

The Secretary shall know the Constitution and By-laws so that all association business is conducted in accordance with same.

The Secretary shall take detailed minutes at the Board of Directors meetings and report the minutes of the preceding meeting; take detailed minutes of the general sessions; and, all matters brought to vote before the general membership.

The Secretary shall maintain a list of all members and guests attending the conference.

The Secretary shall assist the President and Executive Vice President in making arrangements with hotels, as necessary. Secretary shall sign all contractual obligations and take responsibility for fulfillment of the agreement.


Description: A director is elected a member of the Board of Directors. Directors shall serve for one year and may be re-elected, or promoted to an officer position above.

General Functions: Conduct, control and manage the affairs of the association.


Each member of the Board shall endeavor to attend all meetings; regular and special.

The Officers and the Board of Directors shall approve the place and date for the annual conference.

The Board shall fill vacancies in any elected office.

The Officers and Board of Directors have the final decision on all policy making.

The Board votes on all business.

The Board shall have the power to expel any member who shall willfully or carelessly violate any provisions of the by-laws and constitution.

The Board shall assign to the officers any duties pertaining to their office.

The Board shall pass on all applications of membership.

The Board shall periodically review and study the annual dues and the general financial structure of the entire organization and pass on any recommendations for change in the financial structure, either revenue or


Officers & Directors may be assigned to the following committees:

Audio / Visual – Coordinating A/V needs for conferences and webinars

Buyers Guide – Coordinating sponsorships and advertisements for the “Program Book” at conferences.

By Laws – Maintaining up to date By Laws for the association. When changes are proposed, ensuring they are approved by majority vote by the Board of Directors, then updating the By Law documents locally and online.

Newsboy Statue – Honoring the 1895 statue of a newsboy in Great Barrington, MA. NEACE is the unofficial caretakers of this ode to the news carrier tradition.

Membership – Reaching to current and potential members. Retain and grow association membership.

Member Dues – Maintaining current payment of dues by members

Production – Representing the association’s commitment to supporting not only Circulation but Production and Operations departments of media companies.

Social Media – Manage the associations Facebook and Linked In accounts. Currently, not using Twitter, Instagram, Thread, TikTok, or other accounts.

Valor Awards – A program to recognize exceptional service by carriers

Vendor Liaison – Coordinating with vendors and representing their interests at meetings and conferences